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Dumb things that people complain about

Posted by ShyeNewgrounds - 1 month ago

Here's a list of stuff that people complain about which in my opinion is stupid:

I've see a couple of videos talking about "back when rainbows were just something in the sky", & the majority of the comments were talking about "the good old days" & agreeing with the video. Some people don't have basic rights to education, some people are going through wars, & you're complaining about a goddamn rainbow? Who gives a shit? There are better things to complain about. Sure, I don't enjoy the fact that rainbows has lost its original meaning but, I don't really care.

Modern movies. I see a lot of videos talking about "Why modern movies are garbage now" & a lot comments on Youtube saying "This is better than 99% of movies being made now" And apparently, the only time a modern movie is good if it's an independent film. I think people intentionally trying to see bad movies just so that they could complain about something. There are good modern movies.

I've seen a ton of debates on gender. Why do people cry about how important it is to just be respectful of "gender neutral pronouns" & "don't assume people's gender". You can identify as female, male or you could identify as a grain of sand, I don't care. If you someone misgenders you especially a stranger, don't scream like a banshee & get mad.

I don't know why anything new is considered bad. NEW GOOD, OLD BAD. Some people are even being nostalgic for 2020. 2020, the year where a virus was killing an abundance of people, natural disasters, police brutality, & racism against Asians. How are people nostalgic for this?? The only good thing about 2020 is that people played fun games during quarantine. New ≠ bad.

Conclusion: I like to complain, but even for a somewhat professional complainer like me, there are some things that people need to stop complaining about. Au revoir. Leave now.



if it exists, there's at least one person that will complain about it.

(sounds like it should be an internet rule)

Lol. You're not wrong.